Thursday, February 25, 2010

Check process

ps -efmo THREAD | grep oracle

Thursday, February 18, 2010

AIX Patch failed checking

:/>instfix -i | grep AIX_ML
All filesets for were found.
All filesets for 5300-01_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5300-02_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5300-03_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5300-04_AIX_ML were found.
Not all filesets for 5300-05_AIX_ML were found.
Not all filesets for 5300-06_AIX_ML were found.
Not all filesets for 5300-07_AIX_ML were found.
Not all filesets for 5300-08_AIX_ML were found.

:/>instfix -icqk 5300-05_AIX_ML|grep :-:
5300-05_AIX_ML:devices.msg.en_US.chrp.IBM.HPS.rte: 5300-05 Update

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Change hostname of AIX

smit hostname

AIX remove etherchannel

ifconfig en4 detach
rmdev -dl ent4
(smit >
Device >
Communication >
EtherChannel / IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation >
Remove An EtherChannel / Link Aggregation)


manage_disk_drivers -l
manage_disk_drivers -d DS4700 -o AIX_fcparray
manage_disk_drivers -d DS4700 -o AIX_APPCM
bosboot -a
shutdown -Fr

fget_config -Av
mpio_get_config -Av

host[root]:/>mpio_get_config -Av
Frame id 0:
Storage Subsystem worldwide name: XXXb80026a91800004a2aXXX
Controller count: 2
Partition count: 1
Partition 0:
Storage Subsystem Name = 'DS4700_01'
hdisk LUN # Ownership User Label
hdisk2 0 A (preferred) host_redo1
hdisk3 1 B (preferred) host_redo2
hdisk4 2 A (preferred) host_point

Friday, February 12, 2010

df -mt shows less space then du

fuser -c mountpoint
fuser -dV mountpoint

DLPAR move dvd rom

#lsdev|grep cd0
cd0 Available 01-08-00 SATA DVD-RAM Drive
#lsdev|grep 01-08
cd0 Available 01-08-00 SATA DVD-RAM Drive
rmt0 Available 01-08-00 SAS 1/2-inch Cartridge Tape Drive
sas1 Available 01-08-00 Controller SAS Protocol
sata1 Available 01-08-00 Controller SATA Protocol
ses3 Available 01-08-00 SAS Enclosure Services Device
sissas1 Available 01-08 PCI-X266 Ext Dual-x4 3Gb SAS Adapter
#lsslot -c pci
# Slot Description Device(s)
U789C.001.DQD3F54-P1-C2 PCI-E capable, Rev 1 slot with 8x lanes ent2 ent3
U789C.001.DQD3F54-P1-C4 PCI-X capable, 64 bit, 266MHz slot sissas1
rmdev -l sissas1 -R

HMC move adapters

new server cdrom ok!

#lsdev -Cc tape
rmt0 Available 01-08-00 SAS 1/2-inch Cartridge Tape Drive
#lsdev |grep 01-08
cd0 Available 01-08-00 SATA DVD-RAM Drive
rmt0 Available 01-08-00 SAS 1/2-inch Cartridge Tape Drive
sas1 Available 01-08-00 Controller SAS Protocol
sasdrawer0 Available 01-08-00 SAS Media Drawer
sata1 Available 01-08-00 Controller SATA Protocol
ses3 Available 01-08-00 SAS Enclosure Services Device
sissas1 Available 01-08 PCI-X266 Ext Dual-x4 3Gb SAS Adapter
#lsslot -c phb
PHB Name Description Device(s)
PHB 512 Logical PCI Host Bridge pci0 sissas0
PHB 513 Logical PCI Host Bridge pci3 usbhc0 usbhc1
PHB 514 Logical PCI Host Bridge pci1 sissas1
PHB 517 Logical PCI Host Bridge pci2 ent2 ent3
#rmdev -l pci1 -R
sasdrawer0 Defined
ses3 Defined
rmt0 Defined
sas1 Defined
cd0 Defined
sata1 Defined
sissas1 Defined
pci1 Defined

Thursday, February 11, 2010


RDAC Redundant Disk Array Controller
MPIO Multipath I/O

AIX SAN L-port F-port

Q: When I enable the FC adapter on my P570, the SAN (EMC) is seeing
L-Port and it should be F-Port.

A: By default if the machine power up with FC wrap plug inserted it will be configured as Arbitrated loop.
- rmdev -Rdl fcs(x) x is the adapter no.
- cfgmgr.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mount cdrom

mount -rv cdrfs /dev/cd0 /cdrom

mount /dev/dsk/c1t2d0 /cdrom